
Maine Coon Tabby Mix: Traits, Facts & Habits

A Maine Coon Tabby mix is a common mixed breed, though some are exceedingly rare. This mix is a very friendly, trainable kitty. They are very friendly, smart, and playful. Jump in and get to know the Tabby Maine coon mix.

Danielle DeGroot

Last Updated: April 12, 2024 | 12 min read

Maine Coon Tabby Mix

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Maine Coons and tabby cats are two of the most popular kinds of cats around. The Maine Coon is a big, rugged kitty that is known for its very distinctive appearance and lovable personality. Tabby cats are a coloring that many people seek. The Maine Coon Tabby mix is a cat many purr parents would love to have.

This particular blend of felines is a strikingly beautiful cat with a wonderful personality. However, these kitties can be somewhat unpredictable, and anyone looking to adopt this breed should learn a little about them before bringing one home.

Let’s get to know the Maine Coon Tabby mix and learn about their history, appearance, personality, and care needs.

Maine Coon Tabby Mix
    • weight iconWeight8 - 25 pounds
    • height iconHeight8 - 16 Inches
    • lifespan iconLifespan12 - 15 Years
    • color iconColors Brown, Tan, Blue, Silver, Cream, White, Cameo, Red, Orange, Black, Agouti, Multicolored, Tortoiseshell, and more
  • Child Friendliness
  • Canine Friendliness
  • Training Difficulty
  • Exercise
  • Grooming Upkeep
  • Breed Health
  • Kitten Costs

Breed History

Tabby-colored Maine Coons have been around for an exceptionally long time. There is no specific information about crossbreeding because a Maine Coon Tabby is not necessarily a blend of two different feline breeds. Maine Coon is a breed, and tabby is a pattern. Many cat breeds can be tabby, and just as many can cross with a Maine Coon.

Maine Coon

Calico Maine Coon cat laying on back
These big kitties are native to New England.

Maine Coons are a large breed of rugged, wild-looking felines. This breed is considered the oldest natural feline breed native to the United States. They serve as the official state cat of Maine.

A common urban legend about the Maine Coon is that the breed is a hybrid mix of a domestic cat and a wild raccoon. Though a wildly intriguing tale, this hybrid animal could not ever exist. Maine Coons are a natural breed, meaning they developed without the interference of humans.

The Maine Coon is a prevalent breed. Currently, they rank as the second most popular of all breeds listed by The Cat Fanciers’ Association. This big breed is also known as the “gentle giant,” “feline greeters of the world,” and the “dog of the cat world.

Gentle giants are hefty. They can weigh anywhere from 9 to 25 pounds and stand about 10 to 16 inches tall from paw to shoulder. These kitties also have exceptionally long tails. Their tails can reach between 12 and 17 inches long, sometimes longer. To compare, most cat tails measure around 11 inches long. This breed is known for rugged, shaggy long coats, tufted ears and paws, and a lion-like ruff of fur around their necks that looks like a wildcat’s mane.

Gentle giants are known for being highly intelligent, very sociable, and quite friendly. They maintain a playful mentality and affectionate nature well past kittenhood. They take longer than most other breeds to mature and grow until they are between three and four years old on average.

Maine Coons can live for quite a long time, between about 12 and 15 years on average. Maine Coons are often polydactyl, meaning they have an extra toe. No serious health concerns come along with this trait, and purr babies with an extra toe are as happy as those with just ten. They also do not make the same meow sound as most other cats. Instead, this giant breed makes what is described as a chirping sound.

Tabby Cats

Ginger Tabby cat sitting on table outside
There are several variations of colors and markings within the Tabby category. Ginger is a popular color.

Tabby cats are often characterized as a distinguishable breed. But that is a misconception. Tabby refers to a distinctive marking and pattern, not a specific feline breed. A tabby pattern is natural and occurs because of a cat’s unique genetics. Tabby is one of the most common coat patterns in all breeds of cats.

There are a few distinct categories of tabby, but all felines with this patterning have some telltale markings. They all have a distinctive marking that looks like the capital letter “M” right on the middle of their foreheads. Tabbies also have very thin lines on their faces, especially around their eyes.

It is possible for solid-colored and very dark cats to have a tabby pattern as well. Some owners who think they have a solid-colored kitty may notice these faint stripes when their kitties are in the sun.

Tabby Patterns

A tabby pattern can come in five distinct types. While they all look similar, they each have some distinct and noticeable differences. Tabby patterns come in stripes, blotches, spots, whirls, and rosettes.

5 Types of Tabby Patterns

  1. A classic or blotched tabby has signature facial markings: a prominent M on the forehead and circular blotched-like patterning along the body. Because of the swirls along their sides, they are often compared to marble or a marbled desert.
  2. Spotted tabbies have small to large spots covering their torsos and sides. Sometimes, spots appear as though they are broken stripes. Spots can be oval, round, or up here as rosettes.
  3. The mackerel tabby has parallel narrow stripes that run along their sides. The stripes clearly stand out as even lines and start along the same spot at the top of a cat’s spine. When looking at these cats from above, their stripes look similar to a cat skeleton, which is why this pattern is called the mackerel.
  4. Ticked tabbies do not always look like tabby cats at first glance. This is because they do not have noticeable spots, stripes, whorls, swirls, or rosettes on their bodies like other tabby patterns. Instead of distinct patterning, they have agouti hairs, which have striped light and dark sections.
  5. Patched tabby cats are tortoiseshell-marked. These kitties often have brown and red tabby patches throughout their coats. A tortoiseshell tabby cat is sometimes called a torbie.

Tabby cat coats can be a wide range of hues. It’s most common for tabbies to have a black-based coat, but coat colors can consist of gray, brown, orange, red, cream, and even gray or almost black.

Most orange tabbies are male, and it is relatively rare to find a female orange tabby cat. This is because it is easier for males to inherit the coloration gene for oranges as they only have one X chromosome. Female kitties have two X chromosomes and need two copies of the coloration gene to have these orange coats.

Tabby cats are incredibly common and can be seen throughout many different breeds. Persians, Norwegian Forest Cats, Munchkins, Scottish Folds, American Bobtails, Domestic Shorthairs, Ocicat, American Curl, and the mighty Maine Coon are often tabby patterned.

Maine Coon Tabby Mix

I’ve often heard the question, “Are Tabby Maine Coon rare? ” The answer is no. In fact, they are fairly common felines to find. The tabby pattern naturally occurs in the Maine Coon. In fact, tabby is thought to be the original pattern of the first gentle giants to be seen in North America. A Tabby Maine Coon may be a purebred cat or could be a mixed breed. Unless owners are willing to pay the expense and have easy access to DNA testing or know both parents, it may be impossible to tell precisely what crossbreed a cat like this is.

Maine Coon mixed breeds are incredibly popular among cat owners. This is due to their beautiful appearance, larger size, longer expected lifespan, and wonderful personalities. Coon cat mixes make terrific pets and are commonly bred with other popular breeds, including Ragdolls, Bengals, Siamese, and Persians.


Gentle giant mixes have agreeable personalities and high intelligence. They love to be around people and have an affectionate nature, but they also enjoy time outside to explore and hunt. These big tykes are very curious and highly adaptable, meaning they learn to play games like fetch, hide-and-seek, and more.

The Tabby Maine Coon is a smart, friendly, independent, and playful cat. They are incredibly active and have a high need to play.

These big tykes are talented climbers, impeccable mousers, and exceptionally good at understanding communications with their humans. Because they are so intelligent, they can develop a stubborn streak, sometimes making training tricky.

Size & Appearance

These mixed kitties have distinctive physical characteristics. They may be close to the size of a Maine Coon, though many mixed breeds be smaller. This kitty weighs between eight and 25 or more pounds.

A Tabby Maine Coon can grow between 30 and 35 inches long. They stand about 8 inches to 16 inches tall. These kittens grow until they reach between three and five years of age, so it may take some time to reach their full size.

This mixed cat has pointy ears that may have tufts, depending on the percentage of Maine Coon genetics. They have long, fluffy tails with large, widely spaced eyes. Many of these gentle tabby giants have extra shaggy fur around their necks.

Coat & Colors

This kitty can have medium to long, full coats of shaggy fur. Maine Coons developed extra thick coats with double layers to survive freezing weather. Regardless of what other breed is involved, any cat mixed with a Maine Coon is very hairy. Though their fur may seem thick and rugged, it is incredibly soft and silky to the touch, especially with proper grooming.

Coat patterns can come in any of the five tabby variations: classic, mackerel, ticked, spotted, or patched. Most have a distinctive M-shaped pattern on their forehead. The ticked Tabby Maine Coon may look less like a tabby because they often do not have a lot of spots or stripes.

The tabby Maine Coon mix can come in just about any color. Brown and orange are two of the most common colors in this particular breed and are fairly easy to find. Red, cream, and blue tabbies are much harder to find.


This gentle tabby cat needs a significant amount of grooming. They are not hypoallergenic and carry around a lot of hair. All felines shed, and because this breed has more hair than many others, they shed more. Tabby Maine Coon mixes need regular brushing. Try to do this daily or at least three times a week.

Grooming is essential to keep these kitties healthy and is not something that owners can do every once in a while. Don’t forget to pay attention to nail trimming and feline dental care as part of the grooming process.

Living Requirements & Care

These magnificent cats need owners who understand that caring for them is a big commitment. While these purr babies are independent, they need plenty of attention and interaction from their humans daily.

These kitties need interaction and entertainment every single day. They do not fare well alone for extended periods of time or overnight. They are very needy when it comes to affection, start to stress out, and even become lonely and aggressive if left to fend for themselves for too long.

Maine Coon Tabbies do not simply like to interact with humans: they crave it. Owners should ensure plenty of entertainment options. These can include tunnels and a variety of interactive toys like the floppy fish.


These purr babies need plenty of exercise. They have a lot of energy and require multiple play sessions to keep them from bouncing off the walls. Incorporate different activities such as agility training, tricks, and toys they can chase into play sessions.

You can let your gentle giant outside, but only under close supervision. It is best to keep them on a leash, allowing them to experience a little bit of exploration and freedom in the great big world. Make sure to provide cat trees, interactive toys, and places to climb.


Training a Maine Coon Tabby mix can be both extremely easy and highly challenging. These incredibly smart cats respond very well to positive behavior reinforcement. They enjoy treats, cuddles, and toys as a reward for good behavior.

You will need to train your cat to use the litter box, not bite or scratch people or other pets, and some basic commands. This can be tricky, and you must learn more about disciplining your cat to make the training process more effective.

Because this breed is so bright, they often have an independent streak, which can cause stubbornness. This breed needs basic behavior training along with learning tricks and leash walking. This helps them interact well with other felines, humans, and other pets in the home.


Mixed-breed Maine Coons are some of the healthiest cats in the feline population. This mix can live an average of 12 to 15 or more years. Gentle giants are relatively healthy, but they can be prone to some size-related medical conditions, including a few genetic ones. Proper care and nutrition also go a long way in keeping felines healthy throughout their lives.

Manie Coon Tabby Mix Health Concerns

  1. Orthopedic issues and joint dysfunction
  2. Tumors
  3. Hip dysplasia
  4. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
  5. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
  6. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
  7. Feline asthma
  8. Allergies
  9. Urinary tract issues
  10. Parasites and infection
  11. Digestive issues and malfunction

Owners can work to keep this cat healthy by keeping up with regular veterinary examinations, including scheduled wellness checks. While some owners may not feel it necessary to take their cat to the vet if they are feeling well, felines are notorious for masking symptoms of illness or injury until they are in profoundly serious or even dire condition.

You may want to consider pet insurance for your cat. Even healthy cats encounter illness, injury, and emergencies. While insurance doesn’t cover every condition, it can be very helpful in an emergency and treating serious illnesses. Learn more about the best cat insurance and the different options available. You can also look into cat dental insurance and learn more about what it covers in our guide.


Nutrition is especially important for this breed and all cats. These tykes are highly active and need a diet full of high-quality animal proteins. This is especially important when they are young to support proper growth and development. Stick to foods that are healthy and safe for cats to eat.

Felines are obligate carnivores and need to eat meat. Foods that use fish, chicken, beef, lamb, and turkey are reliable sources of healthy animal protein. These cats need omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to help support their health.

Always look for cat foods that list meat and meat products as their first ingredients. Avoid low-quality and budget brands and those high in fillers, preservatives, and artificial ingredients. Kittens need more calories and fat, highly active cats need protein and healthy fats, and aging felines need fewer calories with added minerals and vitamins to support bone and joint health. Pick a quality dry, wet, fresh, or freeze-dried cat food suitable to your pet’s age.

Never hesitate to discuss any dietary and nutritional concerns with your veterinarian.

Breeders & Kitten Costs

Many breeders specialize in Maine Coons, and mixes. Purebred cats can be more expensive than some mixed breeds. Some colors, especially brown, are quite common and are not as expensive as some rarer colors. For a Maine Coon Tabby mix, expect anywhere from about $500 to about $1,000. Some of these kittens may have a price tag of over $2,000. For rarer colorations, the fee may be higher, even up to $4,000.

Always ask a lot of questions and be very observant to ensure that a breeder is reputable before purchasing a kitten. Ask to see parent cats and previous litters and inquire about how many litters a year a breeder produces.

It is also imperative to ask about pre-screenings for different diseases and medical conditions. If breeders are unwilling to answer questions or show proper documentation, it is best to look elsewhere.

Rescues & Shelters

It is highly likely that this mixed breed may end up in a rescue or cat shelter. Adopting a cat from a shelter can be much less expensive than a breeder. Some adoption fees range as low as $20, and others can go as high as $100 or a little more. While owners may be unable to pick the exact color of a tabby cat when getting one from a rescue or shelter, it is a far less expensive option.

Check with your veterinarian and local and national animal humane societies to learn more about cats that may need good homes.

As Family Pets

These striped gentle giants make amazing family pets. They are affectionate, intelligent, eager to please, and very adaptable to changes in routine and environment. These kitties crave attention and always try to get right in the middle of what their humans are doing.

The Tabby Maine Coon mix needs owners that can set firm boundaries and enforce them. They are incredibly smart and highly trainable but can also be stubborn. These kitties are good for cat owners of about any level of experience but may be challenging for first-time cat owners. However, that has more to do with general kitten behavior and care than with the specific breed.

Have you had a Maine Coon cat as a pet? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Fun Maine Coon Facts

A tabby cat was once elected mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, a tiny town with a population of just 1,000. His name was Stubbs, and he was a write-in candidate. Stubbs won and held office for about twenty years. He was a bit quiet on significant issues but served his teeny town with pride for two decades.

Maine Coon cats are sometimes clones. This is a true story. The first successful cat clone is a gentle giant by the name of Little Nicky, who was born in 2004. He may be one of the most expensive cats to ever walk the planet, with a whopping price tag of at least $50,000

More Maine Coon Mixes To Consider

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix
Russian Blue Maine Coon mix is another breed to consider if you like Maine Coons.

If you love Maine Coons you are not alone. The gentle giant is popular as a purebred and as a mixed kitty. A Russian Blue Maine Coon mix is one gorgeous breed, as is the fairly rare Savannah Maine Coon. If you really love fluffy cats, consider a Maine Coon Norweigian Forest Cat mix.

The Maine Coon has a wonderful personality, is incredibly smart, and is extremely attractive to look at. They are relatively large cats with elegant faces, manes like lions, and plenty of love to give. These kitties and any breeds mixed with them make fascinating, highly affectionate, and very engaging companions.

Why Trust Love Your Cat?

Danielle is a feline owner with over 30 years of experience. Cats have been a special part of her life since she was a toddler, and she has rescued every kitty she met that needed a home. She currently shares a home with two ten-year-old beauties she rescued as kittens. Danielle is a dedicated and skilled writer who works hard to stay on top of the latest science-backed research, developments, and trends in pet care, training, food, and products. She works alongside a talented and committed team to provide pet owners with helpful and up-to-date information to better their lives.

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix

Author's Suggestion

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix: Traits, Facts & Habits

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