
Do Persian Cats Shed?

Persian cats have fluffy, luxurious coats that make them alluring to many future cat parents, but do they shed? We’ll answer this question and more in this comprehensive guide.

Tara Maurer holding cat smiling

Last Updated: March 5, 2024 | 5 min read

A woman using a comb brush the Persian cat

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With their long, thick coats and round, squished faces, few felines are more recognizable than the Persian cat. As one of the most popular cat breeds, you have no doubt wondered if the Persian cat would be a good fit for your home. 

One of the most common questions with any cat breed is, “How much do they shed?” Read on to learn about what to expect when bringing a Persian cat into the family.

Persian Cats

Historians trace Persian cats all the way back to the 1600s. Believed to have originated in Mesopotamia, later known as Persia, it is supposed that Persian cats were smuggled out of Persia and Iran by traders and spread by European explorers.

This cat breed is medium-sized, weighing between seven to 12 pounds. While the Persian cat’s body is short, it is heavily boned. These cats have thick, sturdy legs that make excellent jumpers. Persians have rounded heads and big, round eyes. They have flat noses and pushed-in-looking faces with full cheeks.

Persian cats have long, silky fur. These long-haired beauties have a thick undercoat and topcoat, which makes them feel very fluffy and accentuates the roundness of their appearance. Their coats come in a variety of patterns and colors, including white, red, black, blue, chocolate, and cream.

The Persian is naturally affectionate and sweet. They may show bursts of energy throughout the day but truly enjoy their sleep and quiet time. Persians are homebodies who enjoy a relaxed space and a sun-filled window seat. These felines have an independent streak and don’t mind being home alone during the day.

Persian cats live from 15 to 20 years on average. These cats are prone to developing certain health problems, including issues with the cardiovascular system, eyes, kidneys, and respiratory system. Regular veterinarian visits are encouraged to keep your Persian in good health.

Do Persian Cats Shed?

Shedding is a normal and healthy process that allows cats to remove damaged hair and release oils on the skin’s surface. While some cats may shed less than others, you can expect your Persian kitty to shed year-round. 

If you suffer from cat allergies or are opposed to shedding around the home, consider a different cat breed that better aligns with your needs.

Shedding Frequency

Like all cats, Persians shed every day. While these felines lose fur all year round, they are especially great shedders during spring and autumn. This allows your pet to have a lighter coat during warm months and a heavier coat when the weather turns chilly.

Shedding Triggers


If you live in a warm climate, you will notice that your cat sheds more frequently. Heat triggers cat shedding. Indoor cats, who are exposed to heat regularly, shed consistently throughout the year. If you are trying to prevent excess shedding, lower the heat in your home. A cooler home may prevent excessive shedding but will not stop shedding entirely.


Cats have two primary shedding seasons each year: one to prepare for winter and one for summer. Cats shed hair all year round, but indoor cats—who are exposed to indoor heat—will shed more consistently. While cats are meticulous with their personal hygiene, grooming your cat regularly will cut down on the amount of hair that ends up on your furniture and will prevent hairballs, a problem for cats who consume too much hair.


As the saying goes, “You are what you eat!” Feeding your pet a well-balanced diet is crucial for your cat’s health and preventing excessive hair loss. A cat’s coat is a direct reflection of their health. If your cat’s coat is dull or patchy, this could be an indication that your furry friend isn’t getting the nutrients they need.

Compromising your cat’s health by feeding lower-quality food or food that’s incorrect for their stage of life can cause major health problems. Consult your veterinarian for recommendations on the best food option for your kitty.

Living Environment

Have you noticed piles of cat hair after you have guests over at your house? Stressful situations can cause your cat to shed more. A fearful cat will try to look as small as possible. The cat may crouch down, lower their head, and tuck their tail in closely. Their ears will flatten back, and they will shed more than normal. Practice exposing your cat to new people and sounds so they will feel more relaxed when there is a change in their environment. This will cut down on excessive hair loss.


While shedding is a natural process for felines, excessive shedding can be a symptom of a more serious health concern. If you notice your cat is over-grooming or losing hair rapidly, contact your veterinarian.


Some cat breeds are predisposed to shedding more than others. The coats of long-haired cats are glorious to cuddle, but shedding is an unfortunate side effect of their breeding. Persian cats are a high-shedding breed, so be meticulous with their grooming if you want your kitty to have a beautiful, healthy coat.


Cats tend to shed more as they age because they groom themselves less. Groom your cat on a regular basis and increase frequency as they get older. Regular grooming allows you the opportunity to perform a health check and keep your cat comfortable as they age.

Should I Be Worried About My Cat’s Shedding?

Shedding helps your kitty maintain healthy skin and a beautiful coat. It is a natural occurrence, but if you notice your cat shedding excessively, it may be time to call the vet.

Several factors can lead to excessive fur loss for your friend, including:

  • Stress
  • Allergies
  • Malnutrition
  • Parasites
  • Infections
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Pregnancy and Lactation

If you notice your cat is experiencing these symptoms of excessive shedding, contact your veterinarian to discuss remedies for reducing hair loss:

  • Increase of hairballs
  • Bald spots
  • Frequent self-grooming
  • Biting, chewing, or scratching
  • Cuts or sores


Brush your Persian cat daily to prevent mats from forming. Brushing will help distribute your cat’s natural oils, which will promote a glossy coat and prevent hairballs.

To brush your feline’s coat, first check the cat’s skin for bald spots, bumps, cuts, or any areas where brushing could cause further irritation. Identify any matting in the fur and gently separate it with your fingers or trim it off. Brush your Persian’s coat in the direction of the hair growth. Use gentle strokes to make the process enjoyable for your kitty.

For long-haired cats like the Persian, a pin brush—which resembles a pin cushion with a handle—works well at getting through your cat’s dense, fine coat. You’ll also need wide, medium, and fine-toothed combs for tangles. When your cat gets tangles you can’t brush out, use a special detangling spray may for cat hair. Finish by conditioning the coat with a soft bristle brush. This will give the coat a glossy, polished look.

How To Control Shedding

A common solution to control shedding in Persian cats is the “lion cut”, where the body hair is trimmed short while the head, feet, and tip of the tail remain fluffy. Find a reputable groomer in your area to perform this cut. If you like your Persian to have a plush, majestic body, daily brushing is key to minimizing shedding.

Bathe your feline once or twice a month. Washing your Persian’s fur will not only eliminate grease buildup that might encourage matting, but it will remove loose hair that might normally end up on your sofa.

Air purifiers and vacuuming can cut down on hair throughout the home. While it’s easy to get distracted by your adorable furball, daily maintenance is the key to a hair-free household.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic?

No, this feline is not hypoallergenic. While Persian cats can blend into most households, this lovable furball is not a good option for those with cat allergies.

How Can I Stop My Cat From Shedding?

Unfortunately, you can’t stop your cat from shedding. There are many ways to control the amount of hair your cat loses, but shedding is a natural process that is essential for healthy fur and skin.

Why is my Persian Cat Shedding So Much?

While Persians shed regularly, it is important to watch for symptoms of excessive shedding. Many conditions can cause excessive shedding, so it’s important to contact your veterinarian if you notice your cat losing excess fur.

Final Thoughts

While Persian cats do shed, they are well worth the time and effort of grooming. These gentle felines make a great addition to a quiet home and will love spending time with you throughout the day.

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